Commissioner for Human Rights

Charter of Persons with Disabilities





of 1 August 1997

Charter of Persons with Disabilities

(M.P. of 13.08.1997, No 50 item 475)

§ 1. The Sejm of the Republic of Poland recognises that people with disabilities, i.e. people whose physical, mental or intellectual ability either permanently or temporarily impairs, restricts or prevents daily life, education, work and performing social roles, in accordance with the legal and customary standards, have the right to lead an independent and active life and may not be discriminated. The Sejm states that this means, in particular, the right of people with disabilities to:

access to goods and services enabling full participation in social life,

access to treatment and healthcare, early diagnostics, rehabilitation and medical education, as well as to health benefits taking into account the nature and degree of disability, including the supply of orthopaedic items, aids, rehabilitation equipment,

access to comprehensive rehabilitation aimed at social adaptation,

learning at schools together with able-bodied peers as well as making use of special education or individual education,

psychological and pedagogical assistance as well as other specialised assistance enabling the development, acquisition or improvement of general and professional skills,

work in the open labour market, in accordance with qualifications, education and opportunities and making use of counselling and mediation, and when the disability and state of health so require - the right to work in conditions adapted to needs of people with disabilities,

social security, taking into account the need for incurring increased costs resulting from the disability, as well as taking account of these costs in the tax system,

living in an environment free from functional barriers, including: access to offices, electoral points and public utility facilities, free movement and general use of means of transport, access to information, opportunities of interpersonal communication,

having the autonomous representation of own environment and consulting with it any draft legislation with respect to people with disabilities,

full participation in public, social, cultural, artistic, sport life as well as in recreation and tourism according to their interests and needs.

§ 2. By stating that these rights result from the Constitution, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Standard Rules for the Equalisation of Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities, instruments of international and internal law, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland summons the Government of the Republic of Poland and self-government authorities to take actions aimed at implementing these rights.

§ 3. The Sejm of the Republic of Poland summons the Government of the Republic of Poland to submit, on an annual basis, by 30 June, the information about actions taken in order to implement the rights of people with disabilities.

§ 4. The resolution shall enter into force as at the day of announcement thereof.